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About Alan Shires

Alan Shires

From my state-of-the-art home studio, I routinely collaborate with global clients. But if a client desires, I'm always open to commuting. My objective? To effortlessly breathe life into your projects. Every deliverable will not only meet but exceed quality standards and always adhere to stipulated timelines. Remember, top-notch voiceover isn't solely about speedily completing a script (although timely delivery is crucial). The magic lies in the fusion of discipline with imagination, inspiration, connection, and storytelling.

Voiceover: Inspire, Connect & Narrate Your Tale To elaborate on those core principles:

  1. Imagination - Central to both voiceovers and screen acting. It infuses authenticity, whether the scene is bizarre, formal, or nonchalant.

  2. Inspiration - Captivating the audience's attention.

  3. Connection - Bridging disparities, transcending geographical boundaries with tools like Source Connect.

  4. Storytelling - Engaging the listener, immersing them in a whirlwind of adventure, thrill, and enjoyment. The essence? Conveying the client's intended message by connecting emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically.

Equip Yourself Right: Tech Synced With Aspirations Does the quality of equipment matter? Absolutely! Clients recognize the sound signatures they desire. The Neumann TLM 103 and the Sennheiser 416 are frequent requests - for a reason. Their track record of excellence, reliability, and familiarity, especially in domains like Anime, Video Games, Animation, and Commercial Narration, is unparalleled.

So, step into my studio and find the best of both worlds: the Sennheiser with its 8060 shotgun mic, and the exquisite Neumann TLM 103. Offering a dual-microphone setup empowers client choices. All this is driven by premium wiring, interface technology, and a cutting-edge Windows computer equipped with a tailor-made DAW.

Credibility Through Testimonials To instill trust, I’d like to mention that industry giants like Starbucks, Ford, BBC, and Sony have partnered with me and had stellar experiences. While I pride myself on letting my work be my spokesperson, these endorsements and testimonials solidify my credibility in the entertainment sector. With 15 years in the industry, spanning film, TV, presentation, performance capture, and diverse voiceover genres, I firmly believe that at the heart of it, "it's all just acting."

Your next step? Dive into my reels, peruse the reviews, and feel the dynamism I bring to the table. Queries? Don't hesitate to reach out!

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