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Template Selection

Filed Under: VO Site Builder Lite
VO Site Builder Lite: Choosing Your Website Template When creating your voice actor website with the VO Site Builder Lite, the first step after selecting the site builder you are going to use (Lite vs Pro) is to select a template. This choice sets the foundation for your site's layout and functional....

Create an Account

Filed Under: General
To create an account on VoiceActor.com, users need to fill out the account registration form. The account creation form fields include the following. First and last name: Your first and last name Username: Choose a unique username. Usernames must contain only letters. No numbers, special characters....

General FAQ

Filed Under: General
Do I need to know how to code to build a website on voiceactor.com?No! The whole point of voiceactor.com is to provide a platform for voice talent to easily create a website without having to do any coding. Simply select a template, choose your colors/fonts and add your information to the appropriat....


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