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Instructional Voiceover Videos

By Alan Shires. Published Oct 03, 2024.
Filed Under: Narration

Explainer videos are like the Swiss Army knife of the voiceover world—versatile, reliable, and always there when you need them. They’ve become a staple for voice actors, with endless opportunities for work. These videos are usually used to break down complex information into bite-sized, easy-to-understand pieces. But it’s not enough to just read a script—you’ve got to find that sweet spot between engaging and informative, or people will tune out faster than you can say "Skip Ad." This article is all about the unsung heroes of the explainer world: instructional voiceover videos.

From the Top - Exploring Instructional Videos

Instructional videos are like the "how-to" manuals of the explainer world, except people actually pay attention to them. Whether it’s showing someone how to put together that new bookshelf (without losing their mind) or explaining how to reset their router, these videos need one thing above all else—clarity. The voiceover needs to be clear and to the point because, let's face it, people are probably already frustrated when they hit "play." They need help, not a riddle. But don’t be fooled into thinking these voiceovers are easy. Being clear doesn’t mean being boring. You’ve got to sound lively enough to keep people interested. After all, no one’s going to stick around if your voice has all the excitement of a dial tone.

What Makes a Great Instructional Voiceover?

The best voiceover artists for instructional videos are those who can strike a balance. You’ve got to be clear but not condescending, upbeat but not over-the-top. Think of it like explaining something to a friend—someone who really needs help but doesn’t want to feel like they’re back in school. Clarity is key, sure, but so is keeping the audience engaged. Because let’s be honest: nobody rewatches an instructional video for fun. They’re here to solve a problem, and if the voiceover is too dry, they’re going to start thinking about lunch instead of that next crucial step. A little energy in your delivery goes a long way. And don’t forget pacing. Rushing through instructions is like trying to explain how to cook a soufflé in 30 seconds—nobody’s going to get it right. A good voiceover artist knows how to take their time, delivering the information at a pace that doesn’t leave the audience furiously hitting the pause button.

Exploring the Techniques for Instructional Videos

So, how do voiceover artists pull this off? First off, they really get into the script. Understanding what they’re talking about is half the battle. If you don’t know what you're explaining, trust me, it’s going to show. The best artists take the time to understand the steps they’re narrating so that their delivery sounds smooth and confident—like they’ve assembled that flat-pack furniture a dozen times before. Another important trick? Keep it conversational. No one wants to feel like they’re being lectured, especially when all they want to do is figure out why their Wi-Fi is down. A conversational tone makes the instructions feel more personal and less like a bossy "to-do" list. It’s like saying, “Hey, we’ve got this!” instead of “Follow these 18 steps precisely or everything will go wrong.”

Why Voiceover Really Matters for Engagement

Let’s face it: people don’t watch instructional videos for fun. They watch because they need something done, and they need it done right. That’s why the right voice is crucial. A clear, engaging voiceover can be the difference between someone finishing their task or giving up and calling customer service. And nobody wants to be stuck on hold forever. In the end, voiceover for instructional explainer videos is all about being helpful. It’s a specialized skill that mixes clarity, a dash of personality, and just enough energy to keep people engaged. And hey, if you can throw in a little humor now and then, even better—because a smile goes a long way when people are about ready to throw their computer out the window.

That's a Wrap! 

Voiceover work for instructional explainer videos requires a mix of clarity, patience, and just the right amount of liveliness. The best voiceover artists know how to walk that line, keeping instructions clear while making the process enjoyable enough that viewers stick around until the end. Because let’s be real—nobody wants to repeat Step 1 after getting halfway through.

Instructional Voiceover Videos by Alan Shires
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